Saturday, May 26, 2007

More goodbyes

I went to Durham yesterday with Chery and Mindy to say goodbye to my sisters and turn Mindy over to her new owners. She is now w/ Liz and MIke, good friends in Durham who live across the street from my sisters. She will have two people and one dog in her new pack - I can't think of a better situation. The picture is one of Mindy and her friend Fidel, a Javanese puppy - the only dog she will play with. I definitely developed a strong attachment to her in the year and a half she stayed with me. While I know I will miss my good friends and family very much while I'm gone, parting from Mindy is an acute ache.

I'm back in Asheville dealing with all the various wrapping up details. It seems like alot and I'm trying to combine the cleaning up, packing, sorting, etc. with serious friend time. Phone conversations with a couple of old friends who don't live here. Tonite I had dinner w/ newer - and whom I think will become very good - friends. Tomorrow morning - breakfast with a good friend. Tomorrow night is dinner w/ my closest Asheville friends. Whatever doesn't get done will not cause a big problem. Fortunately, I have great help.

Overall, I feel blessed to have such wonderful people in my life and blessed that I get to experience this wonderful adventure.

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